
how to find american standard toilet model number

It's hard to say how old a toilet is, but it's fairly easy to figure out what type of toilet you have. All toilets have model numbers which are typically located on the underside of the tank lid.

In this article, we will walk you through the process of finding your toilet's model number so that you can do this with confidence.

Let's get started.

Steps to find the standard toilet model number

Follow these methods to find your toilet model number as quickly as possible. If one doesn't work, have a look at the next method.

Locate the model number on your toilet.

One of the easiest ways to find your toilet's model number is to look at the underside of the tank lid. Unfortunately, this isn't always possible as some toilets have their model numbers molded into plastic lids that are more durable than a sheet of metal.

Toilet model number: American Standard
Image Credit:

Cross-reference your toilet's serial number.

If you can't find the model number on your toilet, then you may be able to use the serial number that is located on the toilet seat or tank. The best way to do this is to cross-reference your toilet's serial number with the model numbers listed on American Standard's website.

In addition to online listings, if you don't have access to a computer, then there are published works that list the different models as well.

American Standard Model Numbers

If you can't locate the model number on the underside of your toilet or tank lid, then there is a good chance that it has been molded into the plastic lid. If this is the case, then you can refer to one of two resources: The owner's manual for your particular American Standard brand toilet, or a book that lists all American Standard models by serial number.

The Owner's Manual Method

If you purchased a new American Standard toilet, then there is a good chance that it came with an owner's manual. To find the model number in your owner's manual, flip through the pages until you get to the section titled "Features and Benefits."

The owner's manual usually has a list of every model number in American Standard's product lineup in alphabetical order. This makes it the perfect resource for finding the actual model number on your toilet.

How can you tell how old a toilet is?

This is a good question. Unfortunately, this isn't always easy to tell as most toilets are designed with an eye towards durability rather than age identification. However, certain design features can give away the age of your toilet. The main clue we can point you in is how low or high current model numbers are when compared to previous models.

For example, if a particular American Standard toilet model was introduced 10 years ago and it retains the same number today, then chances are that it has been discontinued and a newer version has taken its place. If nothing else works, then the best way to tell how old your toilet is is by looking at when it was made. To do this, you will need to look at the manufacturing date (often stamped into the bottom of the tank). This might be in a slightly different place, depending on the toilet brand you've gone for, such as Kohler, American Standard or even Toto toilets .

Are toilet tanks interchangeable?

If you need to replace your toilet tank, then chances are that it's compatible with the rest of your toilet (including the bowl or seat). This is because toilets have very few moving parts and most manufacturers follow the same basic design.

This means that you can move a new tank onto an existing bowl without any trouble at all. There may be some cosmetic differences, but if everything else is working properly, then this should not pose a problem.

American Standard Champion toilet
Image Credit:

One thing to consider, however, is that most tank replacement kits do not include the fill valve and flush valve seal . Because of this, you will need to reuse your existing fill valve (just remove it from the current tank and attach it to the new one) and potentially replace the flush valve seal on your new toilet tank.

Final thoughts on how to find American standard toilet model number

In conclusion, finding your toilet model number is a fairly easy process that doesn't require too much time or effort.

However, if you still have trouble figuring out what the model number is on your toilet, then we recommend contacting a local plumbing professional. They can typically look at your toilet and determine the model number for you in a matter of minutes.

Finally, if you decide you want to buy a new American standard toilet, check out this toilet review and buying guide to ensure you're making the right decision.

how to find american standard toilet model number


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